Team Mars 2024 - 2025

Mrs Thompson

Mrs Cain

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Welcome to Team Mars


Welcome Team Mars to our Autumn Term

The children will be working hard to achieve their goals. 

Have a look below at some of the things they will be learning!

Is Maths Mastery Right for the EYFS? | Learning and Development | Teach  Early Years


In Maths, the children will develop their understanding of Numbers to 10.

They will further their knowledge by using part-whole models to split numbers up to 10.

Then they will develop their addition and subtraction skills within numbers to 10.

We will also start to work with 2d and 3d shapes.


In English, this term we will be reading two stories - Lost and Found and Nibbles.

The children will be working on the following areas: 

Spoken language - including listening and responding to stories. asking relevant questions, building a range of vocabulary and taking part in discussions and role play.   

Reading - being able to retell stories and think about the characters. Think about the meaning of words, discuss the significance of the title and events within the story, predict what might happen next and be able to discuss stories that have been read to them. 

Writing – to be able to compose a sentence orally before writing it, then sequence sentences to form short stories.  Re-read what they have written to check that it makes sense and then discuss what they have written with the teacher or other pupils. 


We put a high emphasis on reading in school with daily reading activities.  It’s our expectation that all children read at least 3 times per week at home.  We ask that parents read with their children and sign the home school diaries at least 3 times a week (ideally every night). “The more you read, the more things you will know.  The more you learn, the more places you’ll go!” (Dr Seuss)

Learning Adventure - How do things change over time?

In our Learning Adventure, we will be using Geography, Science, Art, History and Design and Technology to explore the question - How do things change over time?  

The History focus will take children into back in time to explore the toys and games that their parents, grandparents played with.  We may be asking for your help with this!  In Geography, we will be finding out about how the seasons change, thinking about the weather and the clothes that we need to wear.  The nature theme continues as we use natural autumnal materials to help us create art in the style of Andy Goldsworthy.  During our science lessons we will be finding out about animals and the animal groups that they belong to. 

Water Bottles:

Please make sure your child brings a water bottle into school with them every day. 


The class has P.E lessons every Monday and Thursday.


Will be set/given out on a Friday and to be completed be the following Wednesday.       

Maths – Games on EdShed every other week.

Grammar/ English - Games on Edshed every other week.

Spellings- Given out on a Friday with reading lists

Numbots- 10 minutes a week.

Reading - If your child reads with you throughout the week, please write in their journal to let me know.       

Home Journals: Please ensure your child’s home journal is in school every day. If you wish to deliver a message to your child’s teacher, please send your child into the class with their journal in their hand if there is a message in it. 

 Useful links:





We hope the children are looking forward to the new topics and don't forget if you have any questions please ask, We are always happy to help!

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Thompson, Mrs Cain and Mrs Taylor 


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Manor Park School & Nursery
Manor Park North,
Knutsford, WA16 8DB
Mr S Cotterill | Head Teacher 01625 568837