Team Neptune 2024 - 2025

Mrs Simpson

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Welcome to Autumn Term for  Team Neptuneneptune - Copy.jpg

We hope you had a fantastic summer break and enjoyed some quality time with your families. As we start a new term, we wanted to take a moment to update you on a few important matters.  We are thrilled to inform you that this term is packed with lots of exciting learning opportunities for your children. We have been hard at work creating engaging lessons and activities to ignite your child’s curiosity and deepen their knowledge across the curriculum.  We can already feel the buzz of excitement as your children return, eager to reunite with friends and embark on their learning journey once again. We are all ready to have limitless dreams and endless opportunities as Team Neptune!


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Throughout this term we will be focusing on the following knowledge and skills in Maths; Place value within 1,000, all four operations using formal methods, multiplication, division and money. We will also continue to practice our fluency of timetables introducing the 3 times table, through Times Tables rock Stars.  We shall also practice our fluency in mental maths through our tough Ten.


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This Term we will be focusing on writing a narrative based on the award winning Anthony Browne picture book ‘Gorilla’ where children will have their imaginations fuelled when a toy gorilla comes to life.  They will focus on their use of noun phrases to add detail to their writing and extend their sentences using prepositions.  We will also be introducing the use of inverted commas to punctuate speech.    After the half term the children will be whisked away on a mysterious adventure through Angela McAllister’s book ‘Leon and the Place Between’.  They will write a secret diary about the adventure to master the skills in using conjunctions and adverbs, and creating successful settings and character description. 

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In science we will be personal trainers offering advice to clients on how to stay healthy and fit.  However, to be the most successful trainers we need to know and understand all about the body.  We will learn what the function of our skeletons and muscles are and how we can look after them.  We will be able to explain how a   balanced diet keeps our bodies healthy and how we digest our food.  We will finally look at the function of our teeth so we can give advice on how to look after them.


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Learning Adventure

After the half term we will be transported back in time to the Romans.  We will learn about settlement and invasion and how the Romans changed Britain and their impact they left.  They will explore what life would have been like during Roman times and how it differs from today.   They will also look at the art of that time creating a mosaic and designing a Roman purse to keep their new coins.




Our PE lessons are on Wednesday and Thursday every week. Please can PE kits be in school and labelled with your child’s name.


Water bottles 

Please can all children bring in a labelled water bottle for them to use throughout their school day.


Homework will be set on Ed Shed, this will include spellings, maths and grammar. There are 3 parts to be completed every week.  Homework will be set on Fridays and needs to be completed by the following Wednesday. There will also be Times Table Rock stars (TTRS). Your child will have their own individual login for both Ed Shed and TTRS.  This will be found inside their planners which are to be taken home and brought into school every day.  Homework is an essential part of their learning as it helps them consolidate what they are learning and take responsibility to work independently.



Reading for pleasure is a crucial part of learning and development.  It helps spark your child’s imagination and develop essential literacy skills.  Please support your child to read their Accelerated Reader books for 20 minutes each day at home.  They can also read any other books, be they fiction or non-fiction. Any reading needs to be written in their planner everyday they read, which will be checked weekly and I would encourage you and your child to write about their reading.  It could be about what they are enjoying, what is happening or how it makes them feel. Making it a joint activity reinforces its importance.

Planners/ Messages


If you wish to deliver a message to me, please use the planner as a form of communication but make sure they remember to hand it to me that morning so as to guarantee I see the message.  As always, we encourage open lines of communication between school and home. If you have any questions or concerns throughout the term, please do not hesitate to contact me through the school’s administration team.


Thank you for all your support.  Mrs Simpson

Thank you for all your support.


Files to Download

02 - Kane & Kane - Save Us! (reprise).mp3 03 - Kane & Kane - Sycorax.mp3 04 - Kane & Kane - Full Fathom Five.mp3 08 - Kane & Kane - My Milan.mp3 07 - Kane & Kane - Run For Your Life.mp3 06 - Kane & Kane - All You Can Eat.mp3 01 - Kane & Kane - Save Us!.mp3 05 - Kane & Kane - Let's Raise A Glass To Caliban.mp3

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Endless Dreams
Limitless Opportunites

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Manor Park School & Nursery
Manor Park North,
Knutsford, WA16 8DB
Mr S Cotterill | Head Teacher 01625 568837