Raising Aspirations Programme (RAP)

Manor Park School and Nursery – Raising Aspirations Project – Year 5 and Year 6

Image result for Children Aspiration Clip Art

Intent -

Raising Aspirations- For many years our school took part in ‘My World’ which was a project designed to provide our children with opportunities to learn about the wider world. Since the Covid Outbreak, this project has ended but we felt that it was imperative that we provide our children with knowledge and understanding of the wider world and in particular the wider opportunities in the world of work and careers. Raising aspirations is a bespoke project to be delivered to Year 5 and Year 6 children each year to broaden their understanding of the wider world of work and opportunities, to make the links with skills and knowledge that they learn in school and to inspire them to ‘think BIG’ to have ‘limitless dreams’.

Our children need to know what opportunities are out there and believe that they can take an active part in it.


It is a particularly important that we support our children with their aspirations and helping them to understand the wider opportunities that are available to them as they grow into adulthood. Many of our children do not have the opportunities or positive role models to support them and inspire them as they grow up. Our raising aspirations project, (along with other curriculum areas) will support this. We intend to inspire our children to want more, to believe that they can achieve more and to understand what it will take to do it.

This will also directly link with our school Ethos and Values –



Raising aspiration is a multi-faceted approach –

Three separate modules will be delivered to the children over the year along with visits to places of work, visits to school of professionals/tradespeople and termly online career conversations.

The modules are as follows –

  • Self-Discovery -4 sessions (Aut Term)
  • Opening up the World of Work - 4 sessions (Spring Term)
  • Looking Ahead to the future - 4 sessions (Summer Term)

Workplace Visits – Manchester Airport,  Great Places Housing,  Amelia Knight Beuaty Solutions

Career conversations – Termly – Online followed by discussion and analysis.

Visitors to schools – Termly – A range of different career people will visit the school and speak to the Year 5 and Year 6 children about their careers, what skills and knowledge they needed- the journey that they took- what their job actually entails.

This project will be run each year. All children will take part in the project twice. When children reach Year 6 and they will be paired with children from year 5 to become mentors as they will have experienced the project before.



Our children will receive a grounding in the skills and knowledge adults have in a wide range of industries and jobs. They will learn from real life experiences/visits about the different opportunities that are available to them as they grow into adults.

They will research, meet and question adults who have made that journey from similar backgrounds as them to become successful in their chosen filed of work. Children will be actively taught about the skills and understanding required as they grow to adulthood. They will also experience a broad range of jobs, careers, workplaces and take part in workshops.

The children will use the skills and knowledge learned to support them with their end of year DT project which is to create a ‘pop up’ restaurant that delivers a quality 3 course meal for real customers.

Endless Dreams
Limitless Opportunites

Let's Connect

Manor Park School & Nursery
Manor Park North,
Knutsford, WA16 8DB
Mr S Cotterill | Head Teacher 01625 568837