What do School Governors do?
Governing Bodies are responsible for overseeing the work of the school as well as the future development and direction of school improvement. Governors work closely with the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team as a 'critical friend'.
The Governing Body meets as a full local governing body nine times each academic year. OUr governos are all linked to a particular area of school life and have links to the school improvement priorities. Governors visit the school regularly and meet children, staff, parents and the senior leadership team to ensure that they understand what life is like at Manor Park and to help the team to keep focussed on improving the school.
Who makes up the Governing Body?
We have ten members of our Governing Body and there are three types of governors:
Two are Parent Governors; parents or carers of children in the school
Five are Community Governors; interested members of the community which can be individuals or people from local businesses and interest groups; they are chosen based on the needs of the school.
Two Staff Governors; They are elected from the staff by the staff.
The Head Teacher is also a governor of the school.
What special roles do Governors have?
SEN Governor - Julie Griffiths has responsibility for overseeing our Special Educational Needs Policy and Procedues
Child Protection, Safeguarding & Looked After Children - Lee Williams has responsibility for the policy and procedures relating to the well-being of our pupils
Health & Safety - Lee Williams has resoponsibility for reviewing our Heath & Safety Policy and procedures in line with current legislation
Critical Incidents - Lee Williams is responsible for the overview of our procedures in event of a critical incident
Training - Richard Woollam is responsible for Governor training
If you would like further information or are interested in becoming a governor, please contact Mr Cotterill.