School Council

School Council

The school council is a group of pupils elected by their fellow pupils to represent their opinions and raise issues with the headteacher and governors in the school.

The school council also take forward projects on behalf of the pupils and are sometimes involved in interviewing staff as part of the recruitment process. The school council also support the staff with Safeguarding in school.

The school council:

  •  - Represent all pupils
  •  - Include two pupils from each class;
  •  - Take time to listen to all pupils and communicate their views at meetings;
  •  - Feed back to pupils about what happened about their views;


The Manor Park School Council met for their first meeting on Friday the 6th of October 2023. Huge congratulations to them all for getting voted on to the council by their classmates. In the meeting, we discussed initial ideas for what the children would like to achieve throughout the year.
The children were also offered the opportunity to apply for the roles of Chairperson, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Minute Taker. Presentations will take place during our next School Council meeting on Friday the 3rd of
November 2023.

2021 - 2022 - Our 2021 School Council organised and took part in a causes noth for school and charity.

  • The children decided to take part in Operation Christmas Child and orgainsed for the school to take part and join in. 
  • The children helped launch and organise playground pals. 
  • They listened to their school community and arranged for a range of different sports to be played on the Muga.
  • They created Road Safety posters which were displayed around school. 
  • They helped assess any risks children may face due to Road Safety when entering and exiting school.
  • They organised a clothes and item collection for the crisis in Ukraine.

2020-2021 - Our children achieved a great deal despit still the school still being hampered by the Covid outbreak.

  • The children helped the Senior Leadership team with safeguarding in school
  • The children helped the school to introduce OPAL and spoke to other children about how to improve play at Manor Park.

2019-2020 - Our children managed to complete a great deal in the time that they had in the role which was restricted due to the Covid outbreak.

  • They introduced the idea of a 'plastic free school' - The school now weigh and track the amount of waste that we recycle.
  • They created posters which they posted around Knutsford, (these were collected in and recylced).
  • They met with children from other schools in the area to create a competiton for local businesses related to plastic pollution and waste.
  • They consulted children in school and helped to create the new Spinney entrance which looks amazing.

2018-2019 - Our 2019 school council continued to work hard to improve the school further.

  • They were heavily involved in the development and installation of the new MUGA.
  • The school council consulted the children and supported the SLT in developing the new outdoor play areas including opening the Spinney. at lunchtime. 
  • The school council developed the new rules for children playing in the Spinney and also monitor this on a termly basis.
  • Delegates from the school council were involved in the appointment of our new School Business Manager - Mrs K Croslands.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

2017-2018 -Our 2018 school council were keen to build on the success of the previous year. They helped to continue the school improvements.

  • The council helped to set up a peer counciling service called playground pals- this is a daily lunchtime support network run by the Year 6 peer councilors for the benefit of the children.
  • The council raised money to enable the school to purchase a defibrillator machine. This took considerable effort and is something the children are rightly proud of. The machine will be placed in the school entrance and will be available for the local community during school hours.
  • Members of the school council were also involved in our OFSTED inspection and were praised by the inspector on their knowledge of the school and their pride and impact in what the school was achieving.

2016-2017 - Our 2017 school council were our first school council and they all did a fabulous job supporting children and adults in making our school an even better place. Some of the ways in which they supported our school are:

  • They helped us to consult with the children about they believe we could further improve the school. The feedback was that the outdoor area needed to have more activities and needed to be updated, especially as one of our values is Pride. The school installed a Trim Trail and updated the playground markings after this feedback.
  • They helped in the creation of the Playground buddy scheme, this was after a meeting with the senior leaders where we talked about helping the staff at lunchtime. The playground buddy system is now in place and the children have also presented this scheme to a wider audience a the Cheshire East Children's safeguarding conference.



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Manor Park School & Nursery
Manor Park North,
Knutsford, WA16 8DB
Mrs Sarah Jeffery | Head Teacher 01625 568837