Year 1 2023 - 2024

Miss Whitwam

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Welcome to Year 1


Welcome back to the Summer term.

The children will be working hard to achieve their goals in all areas of the National Curriculum. 

Have a look below at some of the things they will be learning!

Is Maths Mastery Right for the EYFS? | Learning and Development | Teach  Early Years


In Maths, the children will develop their understanding of multiplication as repeated addition, understanding the difference between equal and not equal groups. They will use their knowledge of skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and will use concrete, pictorial and abstract representations to help them to find the total of multiple equal groups and of doubles. children will learn how to find halves and quarters of both shapes and groups of objects. This lays the foundations for later learning about fractions. They will learn to describe rotations as quarter, half, three-quarter and whole turns, and describe the position of an object. They will develop their understanding of numbers to 100 by counting beyond 50 and noticing the counting patterns.


In English, this term we will be reading a story about a group of toys that are left outside on a summers night and end up staring at the night sky. They notice one of the stars is brighter than the rest and soon they are venturing into the unknown, traveling by spaceship, where they meet a lonely alien in need of help, and some friends. The children will hypothesise about where the toys could have come from and how they could help find their owners before being given a variety of meaningful writing opportunities throughout the sequence of learning, including giving advice to the Hoctopize who has lost their favourite toy. Finally, the children will write a fantasy story about some toys who are taken onto a spaceship and change the characters in the story. 
Lost in space.PNG


We put a high emphasis on reading in school with daily reading activities.  It’s our expectation that all children read at least 3 times per week at home.  We ask that parents read with their children and sign the home school diaries at least 3 times a week (ideally every night). “The more you read, the more things you will know.  The more you learn, the more places you’ll go!” (Dr Seuss)

Learning Adventure

Geography and Science

In Science this term our topic is How does your garden grow? The children will be learning about plants and the seasons. They will be learning about the basic structure of a plant and how to identify common garden plants and weeds in their local environment. They will be learning about the four seasons and describing what we wear in each season and why. Can you describe the weather in winter? 

In History we will be learning about the life of George Mallory in relation to his expeditions and how he has contributed towards exploration. Compare pictures or photographs of people or events in the past and discuss reliability of photos, accounts, and stories.


Art and Design. 

In Art this term we will be learning about Giuseppe Arcimboldo and use pencils/ crayons to change light and dark shades in life drawings.

 Healthy Eating.PNGIn DT we will be making fruit salad, learn about healthy choices and how to cut safely.

Water Bottles:

Please make sure your child brings a water bottle into school with them every day. 

P.E is every Monday and Thursday


Will be set/ given out on a Friday and to be completed be the following Wednesday.       

Maths – Games on EdShed every other week.

Grammar/ English - Games on Edshed every other week.

Spellings- Given out on a Friday with reading lists

Numbots- 10 minutes a week.

Reading - If your child reads with you throughout the week, please write in their journal to let me know.       

Home Journals: Please ensure your child’s home journal is in school every day. If you wish to deliver a message to your child’s teacher, please send your child into the class with their journal in their hand if there is a message in it. 

 Useful links:








We hope the children are looking forward to the new topics and don't forget if you have any questions please ask, I am always happy to help!

Thank you for your support,

Miss Whitwam, Mrs Taylor and Mrs Webb



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Manor Park School & Nursery
Manor Park North,
Knutsford, WA16 8DB
Mr S Cotterill | Head Teacher 01625 568837