Year 4 2024 - 2025

Mr Wilde

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Welcome to Year 4



Dear parents/carers and year 4 children,

Welcome to the Summer Term in year 4.

We hope you have had a wonderful Easter and are feeling energised and looking forward to more learning in Year 4.



We will use Power Maths resources to focus on the following topics this term:






position and direction


Times tables rock stars (TTRS) will be part of our homework and in school learning every day. By the end of year 4, the children will need to be confident recalling all their tables up to 12 x 12.



In English, we will be studying the book ‘Journey'. We will be using the book as a model to inspire our own adventure stories, letters and diary entries. We will also be using prepositional phrases to produce setting descriptions. In SPAG, we will be trying to become more confident at using an apostrophe accurately, as well as becoming familiar with present and perfect tense use within our writing.


Learning Adventure

Plants: In our Science lessons, the children will identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants. The children will discover what plants need for life and how this differs from plant to plant. We will also be learning about how water is transported within plants. The class will be focusing on the role that flowers play in the life cycle of a plant, including pollination and seed dispersal.

What was so special about the Ancient Egyptians? In this project, we will be becoming familiar with the key aspects of what life was like in Ancient Egypt. The children will learn about the two Egyptian kingdoms and how daily life revolved around the River Nile. The children will also research the different Gods that the Ancient Egptians believed in, as well as the burial rituals that were adhered to. We will also learn about the position and significance of some of the tropics, such as Cancer and Capricorn.



PE lessons are on Tuesdays and Fridays in year 4 and the children are requested to come in their PE t-shirts on these days.



Weekly homework will be set on Ed Shed for spelling, maths fluency and grammar quizzes or maths quizzes (set on alternate weeks). There will also be 15 garage games set on TTRS which will support the children’s recall of times tables facts at their current level of achievement. All homework set needs to be completed by Wednesday.



Please support the children to read their Accelerated Reader books for 20 minutes each day at home. Planners will be checked regularly, and house points will be awarded to children who record what they have read in their planners.





Files to Download

02 - Kane & Kane - Save Us! (reprise).mp3 04 - Kane & Kane - Full Fathom Five.mp3 03 - Kane & Kane - Sycorax.mp3 06 - Kane & Kane - All You Can Eat.mp3 01 - Kane & Kane - Save Us!.mp3 08 - Kane & Kane - My Milan.mp3 05 - Kane & Kane - Let's Raise A Glass To Caliban.mp3 07 - Kane & Kane - Run For Your Life.mp3

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Manor Park School & Nursery
Manor Park North,
Knutsford, WA16 8DB
Mr S Cotterill | Head Teacher 01625 568837