Year 5/6 2023 - 2024

Ms Bisson

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 Welcome to Year 5/6



Welcome to the Summer term everyone.

I hope you enjoyed the Easter break and are looking forward to more learning in Year 5/6.


Maths: In Maths, year 6 children will continue to learn about, percentages, area, volume, perimeter. We will also then spend time learning about statistics and geometry. Year 5 children will be learning about decimals, percentages, properties of shapes, position and direction, converting units and volume and capacity.     

To further support our learning in maths we will also complete core skills tasks each week which will include consolidation and pre-teaching of maths concepts. We will also be taking part in daily arithmetic challenges (Tough Ten). 


English: In English, we will continue to build on our prior grammatical knowledge by using relative and subordinate clauses, the past perfect tense, passive voice, fronted adverbials of time, modal verbs, parenthesis, subjunctive form and direct speech. We will be applying our skills on work based on the 2 quality texts: The Paperbag Prince by Colin Thompson and Bold and Brave Women from Shakespeare by Becca Stadtlander.

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Changing Materials

In our summer term science project, we will be learning about the changes that can take place within materials. We will be learning about the differences between solids, liquids and gases. We will be looking at how solids change state due to a temperature change and investigating soluble and insoluble materials.


Living Things

In our second science project for the summer term, we will be looking at living things. We will be looking at the life cycle of bird, reptiles, mammals and amphibians. We will also be looking at metamorphosis and which creatures undergo complete metamorphosis. Finally, we will be looking at the changes that occur through a human’s life.


Beyond the Pacific

We will also have a Geography topic based on South America. We will look at human geography, including: settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food and minerals. We will look at 6 figure grid references and the longitude and latitude lines


Enterprise: Ready, Steady, Cook

During the summer term, will be taking part in an enterprise project entitled, ‘Ready Steady Cook!’ This is an event where the children have to work in a team, in order to use entrepreneurial skills to research, plan, cook and serve a three-course meal to parents who attend the Y6 ‘pop-up’ restaurant. This project will be a culmination of twelve months of learning related to our Raising Aspirations project and will be a fantastic opportunity for the children to demonstrate the skills and attributes they have acquired over this time.


PE Please can all PE Kits be in school throughout the school week. Our PE sessions will take place on a Monday and Friday throughout this term. All children are to come to school wearing their PE tops on their PE days. Please can all items be clearly labelled.

Please note: Swimming will be on Friday.


Water bottles Please can all children bring in a labelled water bottle for them to use throughout their day at school.



Spelling homework will continue as EdShed, grammar and maths quizzes for year 5 children will also be on EdShed.  TT Rockstars is set weekly for all children. Year 6 children will have weekly reading and maths tasks set on Sats Companion as well as grammar practice. 


All homework will be set on a Friday and due on a Wednesday. Spelling tests will also take place on a Wednesday.


Reading It is expected that children will read for 20 minutes at home every day, please encourage children to log this in their planners. Children do not need to read to an adult for each session as independent reading is more than suitable, however, there is a joy in sharing a book with a family member, younger sibling or friend so please do encourage this where possible.


Planners/ Messages

At any time, if you need to speak to me, please either write a note in your child’s planner, or contact the school office by telephone or e-mail. I will get in touch as soon as possible.


Thank you for your support,

Ms Bisson


Files to Download

02 - Kane & Kane - Save Us! (reprise).mp3 04 - Kane & Kane - Full Fathom Five.mp3 06 - Kane & Kane - All You Can Eat.mp3 03 - Kane & Kane - Sycorax.mp3 01 - Kane & Kane - Save Us!.mp3 07 - Kane & Kane - Run For Your Life.mp3 08 - Kane & Kane - My Milan.mp3 05 - Kane & Kane - Let's Raise A Glass To Caliban.mp3

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Manor Park School & Nursery
Manor Park North,
Knutsford, WA16 8DB
Mr S Cotterill | Head Teacher 01625 568837