Wellbeing support during Coronavirus
Please find attached resources you may find useful during these difficult and uncertain times that we are all experiencing at the moment.
Relax Kids link https://www.relaxkids.com/calm-pack
Get started with Zentangle https://zentangle.com/pages/get-started
Files to Download
Coronavirus - A book for children My Hero is You - Storybook for children on Covid 19 Where did everyone go? - Support your child during this strange time We're in this together - A easy but useful read What is coronavirus? - A social story The Stay at home Superheroes Stopping Coronavirus - A social story Why has school changed? - A social story for those with key worker parents Why am I not in school? - A social story for those at home Social Distancing Our school is closed - A social story Hi, my name is coronavirus! - A social story Managing Anxiety for Children